Monday, December 14, 2009

worthwhile ramblings

Worthwhile is cutting up your grapefruit in its own bowl rind, preparations laid for the eating experience, vesicles severed for the efficiency of feasting on the delectable fruit.  And oh, reader, isn't it so with our life's undertakings?  That what we do is worthwhile, when it takes time, when it lays preparations for the big event, when it makes the next thing all the easier?

We're working on this house, see, and it is coming together.  The interior, is, perhaps, half done, depending on how much the remaining half drags out.  It also depends on how much time I spend on making things like bed frames and stairwell rail gates, and so on, instead of doing only the necessary items.  I know the "mud room" is going to take some attention.  It will be our last room--an added 'office' or 'sun room' which "opens up our house to the wildlife preserve of the backyard".  We will add a door to make it more functional as a porch and back entrance, and we have yet to see what we will do with the windows.  I'm thinking we'll get some monsters from our local Restore and totally reframe that wall.  We'll see.  That is the part of the house that has suffered most from deferred maintenance and some storm/roof damage.

The living room, where I am sitting now, will also take some work.  it seems like these walls have a quarter inch of texturing on them.  It looks pretty bad, and sloppy, and I am not all about making it look absolutely gorgeous, but it needs some serious attention.

I am pleased that the parents are coming in in a week.  Really, they are coming to see their new granddaughter.  But since that only takes a few moments, I get to rope them into doing a lot of work.  I'm looking forward to getting these living room walls painted.

I read this China Study book, and I am surprised to find myself mostly convinced that my animal-based diet days are mostly behind me.  A number of factors have pointed me in this direction over the years, and I have the feeling that I'll get more serious about it.  We'll see.  But the main points for my personal choice are these:

Health.  What's good for the bowel is good for the body.
Peace.  No more death to animals on my behalf, or contributing to big business animal production.
Simplicity.  It is cheap, which I like, to not buy meat or eat out, and it ties one to nature to eat like a tree elf.
And now, again, Health.  It turns out that animal protein seems to be associated with the major diseases of affluence (heart disease, cancer, ...), so why do we consume so much of it?

This list wouldn't be complete if I left off that it is cool to eat whole foods, plant-based veganish, and so of course, that's really why I am doing it.

Unfortunately, I have a spouse to convince that it is cool to eat a whole foods, plant-based veganish diet, or I'm not going to have much luck with this new lifestyle.  We'll see how that goes.

It turns out I've written much more than I expected.  Bonnie, the spouse, is done with a curtain so now it's time to call it a day.

Thank you for reading.

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