Friday, January 1, 2010

Reading, Veganism, Gestation

What a fine time I had with the family over the past couple weeks here in Baton Rouge.

I have a problem with writing things these days. I suppose the biggest report is that Orry is a little reader these days. He sounds out words like a champ, and likes to read and write a little each day. Also he types, picking out the letters and the sound. He typed these:


As you can see, he is not the most advanced yet. Also, the other day, when we asked him to read "top" he read it from right to left. He'll do that, and he'll write a word backwards as in mirror, and sometimes, I think, even backwards with the letters oriented frontwards. Anyway, that's fine, because we're tickled he likes to do those sorts of things instead of drawing crayon on the newly painted walls.

As far as me, I am pretty convinced about veganism for optimum health. I'm not a non-meateater myself, but sure recognize a plant based diet as a treatment and cure for obesity and some cancers and other pathologies. I guess most of this comes from reading The China Study and its critiques. Actually, it all comes from that. I've always leaned towards vegatarianism owing to the killing of animals and the unnecessary energy going into feeding animals to feed us. On top of that, there is the "big industry" meat production and egg and dairy production and I've frowned at all that. But then, there is the appreciation of animal life and flesh and the smaller scale animal farming which I've got behind in my day. But reading The China Study and about the argument more has tipped me over the edge. Now, like I said, I'm not vegan myself, but I did convince Bonnie to change our menus more in that direction and we're having good fun with all that.

We discovered quinoa, for example.

We also cooked mirlitons, finally.

And now, I will go get Isaac out of the bath. He is fine, and so is Bonnie, although she is in quite an uncomfortable time of her gestation.


  1. Hi, Troy. I think a lot about these things too.

    Speaking of our food system's unsustainability, I just saw a thought-provoking lecture by Toby Hemenway about why farming is unsustainable. I know it may hit close to home, but thought you (voracious idea-monger that you are) might be interested in his arguments if you are doing all this food-related thinking.

    Read the article at

    Congrats on the new baby girl, and hi to the family!

  2. I like the article, and thank you!
