Monday, April 16, 2012

Random Items Monday slash Tuesday

Until the other day I was my mother-in-law's only son-in-law.  But now I am in a club of two.  Sure, I will always probably be the handsomer of the two, but I think I will respectfully defer to the black superior beardedness of my new brother.  Yes, I have been more bearded than he, for I have worn my beard shamelessly for longer, and have shorn it only seldomly.  But there is no question about this: When I walked down the aisle to be married, no facial hair was involved.  Unless you count sideburns.  We need photos.  Mike, on the other hand, sauntered down the aisle in the manly glory of a full beard.  Anybody could use another brother like that.

This is a tanuki:

I liked these Mayra Montero books I read.  They were translated into English by the awesome Edith Grossman.  One of them is the Cormac McCarthy of the Caribbean.  Both of them reminded me of the magical subjectivism of reality, wherein not only are all things possible, but impossible things most certainly are.  I forget about that sometimes.

I found out there are Kung Fu Panda cartoons.  Yeah, I'll probably watch them the first chance I get.  Like I did with the Napolean Dynamite cartoons.

And, cartoons or not:  May we all live out the best of the legacies of those loved ones who came before us.


  1. My dear husband, what I wanted to say was that you were so handsome the day I married you. You were handsome then and you are handsome now. Sure things have changed, namely your hair, but I still love your looks.

    And I will say it again, and i'm sure it won't be the last time, thank you for being my personal Google and just knowing off hand what a tanuki is.

    silly raccoon dog... Oh! maybe an olm and then a tanuki...

  2. My dear wife, receiving your virtual comments is a delight, even more so by noting the wee hour at which I was blissfully dreaming while you, busy with the needles of your wares and still stimulated with your everflow of creativity, felt the urge to communicate to me such tender words of affection and appreciation. You are quite prettier than the day we wed, having borne out three humans each one at least as cute as the one before, maintaining your vivacious youthful spirit while simultaneously sequestering more than your share of feminine and maternal grace. I also like your long long hair.

    I will say this now and again: make an amigurumi olm and tanuki, and you will go far in life.

  3. I hope you will post some random thought about those killdeer babies that we were so privileged to see. That's probably the first time that I spelled privileged correctly without the help of spellcheck.

    1. oh yes, in the next blog you will find those privileges divulged.
