Thursday, February 11, 2010

tomorrow and the day after tomorrow

Tomorrow is the day my paternal grandfather would have turned 91. Bonnie's maternal grandmother would have turned 88. Abraham Lincoln would be celebrating 201 years of life after birth, as would also Charles Darwin.

We started playing the new Monopoly City game. I have won two games, the most of any Baton Rouge Becker, so I am the Monopoly champion. I think I will cease playing chess for now, finally.

I added up numbers for my remaining expenses on projects, and I'm quite pleased with attainable light at the end of the tunnel. Lots of sheetrock work awaits. I'm not excited about that, but oh so thankful that Trent will help it go by with much better company than the company I have when I do things myself.

I experienced a new weather condition today. When the sleet started this morning, it really sounded like it was raining small ice crystals. Out in it, you couldn't even sense them falling, except for the quite conspicuous sound, like millions of tiny ice crunches. As the precipitation picked up, it was more like the sleet and freezing rain we all know. But at the beginning--strange.

I love spending time with my family. Read more about us all in Bonnie's blog, if you haven't already.

Valentine's Day is an extra special day in our family, because that is when Bonnie turns 26 each year. But if you ask her, she might tell you 22. I think she's into perpetual youth. Me? I'm into perpetual Bonnie. Anyway, I need to think of something romantic we can do, like maybe finding a romantic action movie to torrent, or maybe going to play darts or pool together. I know! I can arrange all the dirty diapers that need to be rinsed in a heart shape in our bathroom sink, so that when she goes to rinse them out, she will have a warm smile in her heart. Or, maybe I'll clean and wash the car and take her to the movies but then decide they cost too much these days and take her downtown instead and walk around the riverside and talk about days gone by and days ahead.

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