Thursday, January 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Annie!

You've made it this far, little one. That's one year of breathing air down, and according to the actuarial life tables, you can expect 79 more, more or less, barring the unmentionable. Have a good life. We'll do our best to get you off to a good start.

Readers, you might ask what else is current in our life? Let's skip the rest of October, a wonderful visit from relatives in November and December, a fun road trip to a delightful Christmas vacation in New Mexico, moving to a house across town, and also quite a few trips back to Louisiana. I'm busy each day gearing up at the new campus of North American College where I teach at the language school and have been "enjoying" the many hats of promotion. Meanwhile, Bonnie has been working at the house unpacking boxes and minding the tots. Tonight she made jambalaya and mashed potatoes which we're about to eat. Afterwards we'll have a homemade birthday carrot cake.

The kids keep developing as you might expect. Life is good. Our bedroom doesn't have a light controlled by a switch near the door, and that's about my biggest complaint.


  1. interesting. all that skipped stuff was brief... but interesting all the same. feel free to browse my blog anytime you're in the neighborhood. it's a bit more current than yours!

  2. oh goodie, thecurrenttroydanielbecker is finally current again!
    thanks for the update of sorts!

  3. Happy Birthday indeed Annie!
