Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Spots on Winnie

We attended a great wedding on Saturday. So even though LSU lost, it was a good positive evening. But maybe the best part of the weekend was that I finally painted the spots on Winnie, our van, where she was losing her paint. It was something I've wanted to do for the past year or more.

Some Fords are notorious for their paint peeling off, and our van was victim to this automotive malady. The spots I painted back on hardly look better than the gray spots that were there, because the color and sheen doesn't match exactly. But at least I got the rust off of the roof and sealed up all the metal to protect it more. Plus, as Papa Jeffrey says, "You can't tell a difference driving 65 down the interstate."


  1. Ya gotta love Jeffery--he's just full of wisdom, isn't he?

  2. That last post was made about the same time a year later that Nicole and I finally decided on a name for little Ila Vieu!

  3. Thecurrenttroydanielbecker is not so current. We check your blog about everyday to see if there is something new, but there hasn't been, for MONTHS! We miss your blogs brother! :)
    -the nic of the trenicker
