Friday, May 20, 2011

my recent animal identification

We found a mole cricket the other day. The thing was (--and it's not like I have ever seen a mole cricket before; it actually took some investigating to learn about them) this mole cricket was so fuzzy. And they are not small insects, either, at about 2 inches long:

Unfortunately, I am not having as much luck identifying a strange bird I saw the other day.

I wish you all the best in your animal identification quests.

1 comment:

  1. whew, 2 blogs in 2 days, now THAT is exciting. I dislike bugs though, so that picture was NOT exciting. You sure are great about identifying bugs. I remember asking you to identify a bug I saw in the bathroom in Korea one time. I thought it was a cockroach, but it ended up being some sort of beetle. I soon found out what roaches looked like though....ICK!
