Friday, December 9, 2011

winding to an end

The semester is winding to an end, thankfully.  I want to have more time to inspire these students to greater success, of course, but in the end we all have the same 24 hours in a day that was used by Galileo, Edison, and Benjamin Franklin.  And Marie Curie and Mother Teresa and Oprah.  I have been working a pretty good balance of work and home for the last 2 months, but I still sense an internal imbalance that has more to do with stress and failure than it has to do with time spent at work.

I am terribly excited about our big roadtrip back to Idaho this month.  What I can't believe is that it's been more than two years since I've been in that exceptional state.  I finished a book yesterday, which was pretty good, but I was especially thrilled on the last page--you know, when it tells about the author--and the author and his brood lives in the state of Idaho.

When delicious raspberries were on sale recently, we stocked up on them and devoured them like North Pole elves devour gumdrops.

I am looking forward to a yet unknown adventure this weekend.  The weather is perfect!  Details forthcoming.


  1. funny. you have a bunch of pictures of the Idaho I love, the summer Idaho. But this trip will take place during winter. A far cry from the sunny skies and greenery. Ope, nevermind. You included an icy desolate barren land... :)

    I too am excited about our road trip. But it has hardly anything to do with the roads. Which I hope aren't icy, desolate, and barren...

  2. Let's see, I am trying to remember what our unplanned weekend adventure was... Oh yes, it was the botanical gardens weekend:

  3. It's funny how beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Even though there is plenty of land in Idaho that some might label "desolate barren land" I've never thought of our area that way. The desert is full of life in all seasons, and I don't even mind driving on slick roads in the winter. Of course, we haven't had any slick roads yet this winter, and my drive (both morning and evening) are starting to be in the daylight now. So even if it is slick, it doesn't seem as scary when it is daylight! I sure do appreciate you taken the time to come to Idaho for Christmas. It truly was a joy for us to have our whole family together again during the blessed holiday season! lylyly
