Tuesday, January 17, 2012

giving blood

Happy new year.  Here it is: 2012.

On Sunday I gave blood for the first time in 2012.  Then I went to church and "gave blood" as a chalicer.  It was my first time doing that in a regular church service.  To be honest, I was a little nervous.  But it went just fine and I look forward to doing it again on February 5th, when I will have been breathing 78% nitrogen for 34 complete years.  And a day.


  1. good job. I haven't given blood since my eye met the stump. I needed a balderdasher word, too. You have a wonderful family, and smile.

  2. I got my blood donation profile for the year. Turns out that I'm A+ and my cholesterol is 111. I donated twice and tried once (but I'm almost 100% positive that I gave 3 times and tried 2 other times, unsuccessfully).

    I'm excited for your birthday.

  3. Thank you both for your comments.
