Friday, February 3, 2012

3s, Fs, and other things

First, the numbers.  It should be noted that today, the 34th day of the year, is the last day that I will be 33.  Yesterday deserves mentioning because it was the 33rd day of the year, and on this year and every leap year there are 333 days remaining on that day.  So even though it was 2/2/12 it was really a day of threes.  Especially for 33 year old me.  A year and a day away will be by golden birthday again, for it will be the 35th day of that year, and I will be turning 35, godwilling that I shall live another year and a day.  But today is a day of Fs, for it is a fantastic Friday in February, and the only change to make it effier would be if it were Friday, February fourth.  For now, let us forego frivolities and field more fitting affairs:

We've been going to Wednesday church activity nights for the past year or so.  Before we would frequent these when available, going to Lenten soup suppers or other series.  Well, the current series is a nice 5 month commitment of reading the bible narrative as The Story.  It is a pleasant way to read it, and we're in a cozy group of eight plus discussing, these days, the allegience of Ruth to Naomi and Naomi to her people and her people sometimes to God and sometimes not.  Et cetera.  The church we've been going to, St Dunstan's Episcopal Church, has been one of the greatest things about our life in Texas.

Of course, friends and family also factor vastly in our life quality, and that goes for those of you far and near, thanks to telecommunications, the Internet, and brainwaves.

Our little family is like this.  There is me, husband, father, teacher, and dreamer.  There is Bonnie, mother, wife, homemaker, craft doer, and dreamer.  And there are our three little ones, dreamers all.  What are we dreaming about these days?  Maybe taking a drive to Alaska in our new 12 year old van Pearl.

Orry is ahead of his expected cognitive development, and faring well with mom in homeschool, where we are using curriculum guides we have found and some workbooks and other materials to put together material that is stimulating and enjoyable for him.  

Isaac made some leaps and bounds this past month in his language and articulation of ideas and expressing himself.  He is also growing well and is really a little helper around the house.  We await more lab results regarding his IBD and things are looking pretty good for now... no new news, which is good news.  So far we are pretty pleased with the results of his brainwave optimization treatments, but we don't know yet to what extent.

Annie continues to grow and learn.  She can really throw a tantrum, but more often than not she's a little angel.

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Fully Fantastic and Fun that blog was! may your thirty Fourth birthday be Filled with Festivities flavor and not be viewed as Floccinaucinihilipilification. I hope it involves from frivolity and friends, and perhaps some free food.

  2. there's an award to be given, and i've selected you, dear one. please go here and read about it:
