Monday, February 27, 2012

Things February

February.  Crocus.  
The image to imagine is the crocus and the snow:

I think of this illustration:

But there is more to February than birthdays and crocuses and presidents and sweethearts and Mardi Gras and groundhogs.  I am, of course, referring to its flexibility and versatile cardinality in its number of days.  Not only is it a month by itself in length of days, but it is also by itself by having no single number of days.

And I'm glad there's an extra day, because it just feels like we need that adjustment in our yearly revolution around Sol our star.  Like we're getting a little ahead of ourselves--let's hold off on advancing to that 60th day of the year.


  1. i agree... we were getting WAY ahead of ourselves!

  2. About a degree. Since the radius of our revolution is about 93000000 miles, then we are talking about an arc distance of 1.6 million miles. That's how much we are traveling today in our march around the sun. And, speaking of March, make sure to enjoy this year the first day of March! At long last February will of run its course for now.

  3. In case you were wondering how we can be moving so fast, we're actually moving about 20 million miles a day on average, since our sun is moving in the galaxy and our galaxy is also hurtling through space. If we could go 800 times faster we would be moving at the speed of light.
