Friday, March 16, 2012

Random List Thursday

The olm, a European salamander, is a little 12 inch troglobite monster that can live without food sources for 10 years.

The pineal gland, a third eye of sorts, is a part of our brain without a twin counterpart that has to do with our circadian rhythm, our sexual development, and God knows what else.

Christopher Guest, or should I say, the Right Honorable Christopher Guest, or should I say, the Right Honourable Christopher Guest, is a baron, and is, yes, married to Jamie Lee Curtis.  Best of Show Christopher Guest.  The six-fingered man Chirstopher Guest.  A Mighty Wind Christopher Guest.

So what is a baron?  Well, in his case he is the son of a diplomat assigned a baronage.  And a baron is the lowest level of peerage, as it is called in the UK: Duke, Marquis, Earl, Viscount, and then Baron.  And titles of nobility like these, when accompanied with the proper papers, pass through heridity in the way you might suspect, so that a legacy follows one's bloodline in the way that has historically assuaged the human biological need to reproduce one's own DNA.

Polydactyly occurs more often than you probably realize: 1 in 500 live births.

Barony occurs in only 1 in 50000 live births in the UK, which means 1 in 5 million, worldwide.

Olms are magical creatures that hatch, breed, and grow in their larval stages.  When they grow into adults they are known as dragons.


  1. interesting. vedy interesting.

  2. and of course, This Is Spinal Tap Christopher Guest. Very nice RLT. I suppose I need to get back on my RLW posts, or blogging in general!
