Monday, March 7, 2011


Here I am, on the way back to Houston. And before you think I am blogging while driving, please rest assured I am in a McDonald's parking lot. No, I will not eat their food, but ever since I learned that all McDonald'ses offer free wi-fi, I've been frequenting their parking lots from time to time. And yes, I will slurp one of their smoothies from time to time, actually.

It is the 20-teens, afterall. Nowadays, you can do all sorts of things. Like, for example, you can browse the current world emergencies and disasters from the comfort of your own home without turning to the news. It is from there that I was reminded our family vacation spots during my childhood, at Island Park in eastern Idaho. There is also home to one of the worlds' largest calderas, a large caldera distinct from the great Yellowstone caldera. It is older, it shares Yellowstone's high status as an 8 out of 8 on the Volcano Explosivity Index, and it is--the way I understand it--part of a path of calderas which form every so often as our Earth's crust passes over the hotspot which is now responsible for the geo-active Yellowstone as we know it.

For more Snake River Plain info, just wiki it, or click here. Otherwise I'll go on and on about southern Idaho.

Anyway, I like that you can find out about what disasters are happening around the world without all the newsy drama bits. Of course, it's not the most uplifting, but hey, what do you expect from a McDonald's parking lot?

Well, the unfortunate thing about this week is that I will be flying solo in Houston until Friday. On the plus side, today is a day off for me, making up for extra hours I've already logged. I'll mozy on back to Houston, and get situated for the week. I've got teacher training, a final week at school, and presumably plenty to keep me occupied. Plus, I am headed back with a car full of stuff. Now that we got our garage somewhat cleared out, it's time to get all of our belongings that have been lingering at the Bourgs' house since way back even to Bonnie's teenage years.

Well, even though it's Mardi Gras time everywhere, I am getting reminded of how out-of-proportion it is in Louisiana. In Texas even, a few long hours away, it just isn't that big of a deal.

1 comment:

  1. I love Idaho! I also love king Cake. I enjoyed living in Louisiana for 1 mardi gras in my lifetime. it was fun. I miss jambalaya. I can make it, but it's not nearly as good as bonnies, or donna's or that one restaurants. We had pastalaya at Anne's Mardi gras party last year. It was so tasty and delicious.

    Also, the disaster website looks pretty cool. I wonder if that one crazy wind storm we had here a few months ago was on the site. it was quite disastrous in this area....but perhaps not what one would refer to as a natural disaster.
