Tuesday, February 15, 2011

a new garden

A new garden has begun on Teaside Drive. That's because we transplanted some cilantro and strawberries and basil into some little cardboard boxes. Always moving around makes it harder to get around to planting. But I say let's move our plants with us if it comes to that. Or leave them for the next guy, why not?

So are you a morning person? A night person? It turns out I am a morningdaynight person.

I hope you've packed as much fun as I have or more into the first 46 days of this prime year. It turns out that my blog readership is inversely proportional to my math topics. So how about a sweet update about the wife and kiddos?

Well, Bonnie, as most of you know, is nearing the end of her twenties. Of course she still looks every bit as young and fresh as the day we remet. I think the hardest part for her about getting older is that my hair just isn't what it used to be. Or maybe I am getting her confused with me, because I do that sometimes. Bonnie has been sewing cute state pillows and other things. She threw a great valentines/birthday hoedown. It wasn't really a hoedown, but it was like a hoedown for 3 under 5 and their parents.

The kiddos are growing and developing as if they missed the memo that this is the second year in the second decade of the third millennium CE and that time was slated for slowing down. we are doing our best to savor our experiences and drag back the reins of time with appreciation. Orry is reading more and doing more math. Isaac understands cardinality finally and is talking up a storm. His speech takes some deciphering but mostly now because some of his consonants are replaced /t/ and /sh/. But he's consistent, and once you know the code you can decipher everything. It helps when Orry's around because he's so quick picking up the context. Annie is demonstrating a lot of signs and language know-how. She's doing her best to keep up with the boys. She really likes the soothing effects of holding a blanket. She'll give kisses goodbye and goodnight, and she says thank you and please too. And shoes and socks.

It's my hope that the kids will really dig the new garden.


  1. why not is a good question for that. maybe because they won't take care of it... but it's not like you'd really ever know if they did or didn't. and maybe they move around just as much as you?! maybe they planted one in the last place they stayed. maybe it could be a pass it on type of experience. it's worth it while you're there, if you have any sort of growing season!!!
    i've pondered the morning/night personality to myself a lot. i've come up with that i must be a day person. however, if needed i can wake up early and do just fine. in an emergency, i can also stay up pretty late with some assistance of caffeine. but really, it's the days that i do best in!
    how 'bout it! i loved the update of the wife and kiddos. i should call and talk to those boys one of these days... it's not like they can't talk!!! we sure love and miss you.

  2. I like that you still manage to slip mathtalk in at the end. Not to encourage you to write more math stuff, as I generally scan those sections, mainly to keep order in my brain which can often protest if things get too mathy.

    It would have been awesome to throw another "under 5" into the hoedown yesterday. Perhaps one day we will all hoedown together again!

    Trent doesn't seem to be affected by his hair status like you. I mean emotionally, not physically, because he is certainly affected like you, and perhaps more so, in the hair/aging department.

    And as for the type of person, I would have said "night person" from age 13-23, but pregnancy and parenthood changes all that. Now I am an evening person. I can commit to being a night person occasionally, but not a morning person.

  3. Houston does have a growing season alright. I think it starts about now and lasts into January.
